
Building momentum for forestry in the bioeconomy and sustainable development

The thirteenth meeting of MegaFlorestais was held in Storforsen, Vidsel, Sweden, on June 26-29, 2018 and co-hosted by the Swedish Forest Agency and the Rights and Resources Initiative.

Delegations from the following countries attended the meeting: Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, India, Indonesia, Peru, Sweden, and the USA.

Topics discussed

  • Smallholders, communities, and Indigenous Peoples as drivers of the local economy
  • Balancing Environmental, Economic, and Social Goals in the Bioeconmy
  • Climate Change and Forests: from Science to Policy
  • How does it work in practice
  • Call to Action for 2019

Field trip: Visits around Southern Norrbotten County

The group visited a forest reserve maintained by Sveaskog (the state-owned forest company), took a guided tour or the “Tree-Hotel”, and viewed a demonstration of tree thinning by forest owner Elisabet Sandberg.



Additional Resources

  • MegaFlorestais, 10 Years of MegaFlorestais: A Public Forest Agency Leaders’ Retrospective, 2016 (available in EnglishFrenchSpanish, and Chinese, read the press release)
  • MegaFlorestais, Public forest agencies in the twenty-first century: Driving change through transparency, tenure reform, citizen involvement and improved governance (available in EnglishSpanish | French |  Chinese | Portuguese | Bahasa)
  • Rights and Resources Initiative, What Future for Reform? (also available in French and Spanish)
  • Rights and Resources Initiative, Who Owns the World’s Land? A global baseline of formally recognized indigenous and community land rights, 2015 (available in EnglishFrench and Spanish)
  • Rights and Resources Initiative, Power and Potential: A Comparative Analysis of National Laws and Regulations Concerning Women’s Rights to Community Forests (EnglishFrançais | Español)