Herman Sundqvist

Herman Sundqvist was appointed Director General of the Swedish Forest Agency on February 2016. Before that, he was Head of Forest Management in the state owned forestry company Sveaskog in Sweden, and held various positions within Sveaskog and AssiDomän. His main responsibilities have been forestry, forest management, nature conservation, real estate, and forest research. Before his appointment as Director General, he served on a number of boards as chairman of Skogforsk (the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden), the Swedish Forestry Association, SweeTre Technologies (biotechnology company), and Setra (the largest sawmill company in Sweden). He also chaired one working group in the National Forest Programme of Sweden.

Herman is a Doctor of Forestry at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1993) and completed a thesis on Regeneration potential of Scots pine advance growth in northern Sweden. When not working, he is a very interested ornithologist and likes to take care of his own forest and a small heard of sheep. Herman serves as Co-Chair of MegaFlorestais since 2018.