mf2006_group-photoThe first meeting of MegaFlorestais was held on October 17-19, 2006, at the Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, Pennsylvania in collaboration with the US Forest Service, in collaboration with the Rights and Resources Initiative. Delegates attended from Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, India, Indonesia, Russia and the USA. Several international experts participated in the discussion.

Topics discussed

  • Transitions in forest tenure and administration;
  • Market transitions;
  • The role of forest agencies in increasing forestry’s contribution to poverty alleviation and community development;
  • Reforming regulations to contribute to national economic growth and enhance opportunities for small forest holders; and
  • The challenge faced by forest agencies to provide political leadership in times of transition.

A field trip took place in the private lands of Delaware State Forest to learn about the roles of different levels of government and contributions of private lands to ecosystem function.


Synopsis (including the agenda and list of participants)